Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Ultimate Drawing

This is not the ultimate drawing
This is just a cat I drew
Guess which it is? That's right, Jayfeather!

This is Yellowfang, my second favorite cat

This is a Husky I drew
His forelegs fade out because I'm not good at legs...
Don't make fun of my handicapped dog! :p
Storm eat you
He's epic :3

I drew this Springer Spaniel for Mother's Day
Saying Springer Spaniel out loud is confusing
I keep saying Springer Spraniel
It makes no sense......

THIS, is the ultimate drawing
This dragon is beast

It's a little hard to see.....

1 comment:

  1. Wow ASH! These are wonderful! Keep working from that anatomy book of dogs you got there.

    If you get good at that, try to manipulate the structure of the dogs to be more stylized or caricatured.

